At the most basic level we simply relational beings with a need to be seen and received. The success of coaching and therapy work is built on foundation of genuine rapport. This is a natural talent of Nicolas!
There is an elegance to the way he guides your through your session. You feel he is with you, supporting you through your process, yet you always feel you have your own space and it is your time. I think this is due to the fact that his humbleness hides an incredible depth of knowledge and personal experience.
I look forward to Nicolas’s continued support with my own personal journey and as safe and trusted place to refer my clients.
Stephen KleiserNicolas is honest, so when it comes to coaching sessions with him I have implicit trust in him. I know he will see behind any nonsense I try to put up and he’s not afraid to tell me the truth. Yet he does this in with true gentleness and sensitivity, which brings me back to trust. I always know he has my best interests at heart and his faith in me has often been the safety net which I never actually needed but am always grateful to know it’s there.
He is full of knowledge but there is absolutely no arrogance with it, just a genuine desire to share. There’s no leading from the front or pushing from behind, because his genuine empathy allows him sense what it is that you need and when as a truly good coach should be.
Megan B.I went to see Nicolas for a hypnotherapy/regression session. It was a totally new experience for me which allowed me to look deeper into my long forgotten childhood. He helped me to go back in time and thereby gave me the opportunity to see things more clearly now. I appreciated very much his most sensitive and experienced guidance.
Margit H.Nicolas held a very safe, empathic, gentle but powerful space for me. He encouraged me to fully explore my dilemmas.
His guidance was sensitive, intuitive, flexible and came from the heart. After the session I walked away feeling calmer, clearer and happier; lighter somehow. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him and the excellent work he does.
Sophie W.I’ve been lucky enough to know Nicolas for just over three years and have also had the opportunity to be coached by him several times. He provides an environment of trust and safety, which encourages openness and the ability to explore all areas, no matter the vulnerability.
His perfectly timed, seemingly simple questions provided a springboard for my own ideas to leap forth, helping me reach my own conclusions, not only on what it was I actually wanted, but also the steps to take me there. His no-nonsense approach teamed with his natural empathy and compassion make working with Nicolas an inspiring and collaborative experience.
Maggie A.I recently went to visit Nicolas for a hypnotherapy session to help me stop smoking. I had previously tried to quit – unsuccessfully – using patches and nicotine gum. A friend of mine recommended hypnotherapy, so I thought I’d give it a try.
I spoke to Nicolas on the phone and immediately liked what he had to say, so we set up a session.
The environment he provided was welcoming and comfortable so I immediately felt at ease. The session went well as he guided me through it. His manner was friendly, comforting, firm at times but always professional. It wasn’t anything how I preconceived it to be and actually I enjoyed it very much (more so than I would have thought originally!).
The proof of the pudding was in the eating, so I observed how I was feeling for several days / weeks after the session. I found that the cravings to smoke had vastly reduced and I was able to control them a lot more easily than previously, so something had obviously worked. I had never thought hypnotherapy could help in this way, but I am very impressed that it did.
I would also highly recommend Nicolas as is a nice, friendly and approachable professional counsellor who knows his subject well.
Frederick M.