by Nicolas | Oct 1, 2018 | Change, Hypnotherapy
Stoptober is here, so let’s talk about the elephant that was in the room but stepped out for a cigarette. That’s right: smoking. Behind each habit or behaviour is a positive intention. That can be a little hard to accept when the habit is something inherently bad for...
by Nicolas | Apr 10, 2018 | Coaching, Hypnotherapy
Stress and control often go together. Applying control to reign in stress might work but is counter-productive in the long-run. Stressors People react differently to different stressors, or stress triggers. There are everyday stressors, like the daily commute, or...
by Nicolas | Apr 3, 2018 | Coaching, Hypnotherapy
April is Stress Awareness Month, as it has been for 25+ years. So what better time than now to talk about the beast that is stress. What is Stress? Stress can be defined as the experience of feeling overwhelmed or burdened. It causes us to feel off-balance, either...
by Nicolas | Feb 23, 2018 | Business, Coaching, Hypnotherapy
A busy mind and overactive thinking can make anyone prone to higher-than-average worry levels, as well as sleep issues. It may be a sign of the times, linked to the value we attribute to reasoning and logical thinking. Our education systems lean heavily towards those...